Authors: Leslie WD., Binkley N., Hans D.

Published in: Journal of Clinical Densitometry

Date: 2023

Abstract Note:

Lumbar spine Trabecular Bone Score (TBS), a grey-level texture measure derived from spine dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images, is a bone mineral density (BMD)-independent risk factor for fracture. An unresolved and controversial question is whether there are ethnic differences that affect the utility of TBS for fracture risk assessment. The current analysis examined whether self-identified ethnicity (White, Asian, Black) in women age 40 years and older referred for DXA testing affected fracture risk stratification from TBS using a large clinical registry. The study population comprised 63,078 White women, 1,915 Asian women and 329 Black women (n=329) with mean follow up 9.0±5.2 years. There were between group differences in BMI (Black>White>Asian), lumbar spine fat percentage (Asian>White>Black) and lumbar spine tissue thickness (Black>White>Asian). Despite this, lumbar spine TBS was not significantly different between the subgroups, though there was a significant difference in lumbar spine and total hip BMD (Black >White>Asian). TBS provided significant stratification for MOF and any fracture for all ethnicity subgroups, and for hip fracture in White and Asian subgroups (insufficient numbers for analysis in Black women). No significant difference in White vs. Asian or White vs. Black women were identified using a Bonferroni adjusted p-value. In summary, we found that lumbar spine TBS measurements were similar among White, Asian and Black women referred for DXA assessment in Manitoba, Canada. TBS and BMD measurements significantly stratified fracture risk in all three populations without a meaningful difference between groups. This suggests that TBS does not need to be used differently in White vs. non-White populations.