Treatment options

Understanding the available treatment options is essential for managing the condition effectively and maintaining bone health. Effective treatment of osteoporosis requires a comprehensive approach that combines medication, lifestyle modifications, and preventive measures. 

  • Medications: it may include bisphosphonates, denosumab, hormone therapy, teriparatide or RANK ligand inhibitors. 
  • Supplements: calcium and vitamin D supplements. 
  • Lifestyle modifications: including regular weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercises, a balanced diet and taking measures to prevent falls. 

Trabecular Bone Score (TBS)

Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) helps healthcare providers assess your fracture risk more accurately and tailor treatment plans accordingly. Additionally, TBS can track changes in bone quality over time, allowing for adjustments in your osteoporosis management regimen as needed. With TBS, your doctor can better understand the effectiveness of your treatment and make informed decisions to preserve your bone health and reduce the risk of fractures. 

Important note: before initiating any osteoporosis treatment, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional. Osteoporosis management should be personalized to your specific needs and medical history, and only a medical professional can provide tailored recommendations. Attempting to self-medicate or implement treatment strategies without professional guidance can be dangerous and may lead to unintended consequences. Always prioritize your health and safety by seeking guidance from a medical professional before starting any treatment regimen.